Members of the ACRO team participate or have participated to the following projects:
- PARADUAL: Parameterized Aspects of Dualization (2025–2029)
- DISTANCIA: Metric Graph Theory (2018–2021)
- CAPPS: Combinatorial Analysis of Polytopes and Polyhedral Subdivisions (2018–2021)
- GATO: Graphes Algorithmes et TOpologie (2016–2020)
- GGAA: Aspects Géométriques, Analytiques et Algorithmiques des Groupes (2010–2014)
- TEOMATRO: Nouvelles Tendances dans les Matroides : Polytopes des bases, Structures, Algorithmes et Interactions (2010–2013)
- OPTICOMB: Optimisation Combinatoire (2006–2010)
- ADDS: Algorithms for Multi-Dimensional Data via Sketches (2019–2023)